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Debbie Part 7

They reached the basement level where Bryce led Debbie to Mistress' waiting limo. As they got in Mistress asked Bryce: "Satisfied customer?" Bryce informed her that Mrs. Walker had indeed been satisfied. Turning towards Debbie, Mistress said: "Lucky for you, little whore. Where we are going now you won't get away with a little sucking and fucking and other vanilla-stuff. Your next customer is an old friend. A real connoisseur of the finer points of S&M. And you had better please him, or both he and I will punish your silly ass so bad Dr. Jacobsen will seem like a nice man." "Mistress, please, Mistress. Mistress, I will do my very best, Mistress," Debbie replied, terrified. The mention of Dr. Jacobsen made her hands clammy with fear. "Let's hope that's good enough," Mistress said.

After a short drive the limo pulled up in front of a cafe. The place was obviously up-scale. Before they left the limo Mistress gave Debbie a new shoulder bag. It was made of blue plastic and although quite large, it was quite stylish. It looked like an expensive bag for power shopping. It was also quite heavy. Debbie dreaded its contents. She knew it would be used on her. Mistress instructed Debbie: "We are going to meet my friend, Mr. Benson, who is going to test your skills and quality. You are going to leave with him after he and I have discussed some things, and he is going to keep you overnight. Tomorrow morning I'll send Bryce to pick you up." Mistress snickered a little: "Maybe "scrape you up" is a better expression for what he'll have to do after Master Benson has had his hands on you." She opened the door and exited, calling after Debbie: "Let's go bitch." They crossed the sidewalk and entered the cafe. It was full but not crowded, with tables set far apart to provide a measure of privacy for the customers. Mistress led the way to a table at the back of the room. As they approached the man sitting at the table got up.

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