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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 9

"And, do the two of you want to know why I don't do that sort of stuff? Well, I'll tell you. I don't do that sort of stuff because, one, it would be wrong, and two, because a long time ago, back in the days when I was just a snot nosed kid, I made a little pact with God. I told Him that if He could see His way clear to allowing me to become a practitioner of real magic, I vowed that I wouldn't abuse His faith in me, and that I would never use my abilities in a way He wouldn't want me to.

"Later, incorporated in the very spell I used to turn me into a girl, I both reaffirmed and slightly modified that pact I'd made with God when I was a young. I told Him in no uncertain terms that I would use my magical wherewithal to do whatever He bid me to do."

"Ah, come on now!" Nikki, taken aback by what she had just heard Magatrix say, incredulously interjected. "You're not seriously suggesting that God had a hand in this? I mean, are you going to sit there and try to tell me that God directed you to change me into girl?"

"In a very convoluted, round about manner, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. You see, Nicole, while I'm anything but psychic, shortly after I became a real honest to goodness witch, though I much prefer the term sorceress over witch, I began to perceive things about certain people. The two of you two have heard about auras, haven't you? Well, take it from me, they're real, in that they really exist, and I can see them. And, let me tell you! Contrary to what you've heard, the eyes aren't the real mirrors to the soul. Auras are. Hell, they might even be the outermost envelope of the soul itself. And, you'd best believe that once you learn how to read them, they can tell you damn near everything about the person they envelop.

"For example, last night, prior to the performance, while I was scanning the audience in order to find a guy to serve as my lovely assistant, I spied the two of you, and knew right from the get-go that you were soulmates. In other words, as soon as I saw the two of you in the audience, I knew that the two of you were meant for each other."

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