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Something about Danny

"Well? Do you like Mommy touching you, hon?"

"Oh yes. So much."

"Good girl. Cheryl told me you had a tiny pee pee. Boy was she right. I guess you don't get to fuck many women with this thing, huh?"

I was holding his hard little dick and he was in shock, about to cry again.

"Oh come on Dan. Don't pretend we're the first ones to mention this. You do have a very tiny dick. Don't you?"

"Uh...yes Mommy."

I was juicing again. This was going perfectly.

"Good. Honesty is the best policy. Have you ever had a woman laugh at the small size of your pee pee? Tell the truth, honey."

Here, for emphasis, I squeezed his tiny, engorged balls. He seemed delirious.


"Tell us about it."

I kept stroking his tiny balls slowly. I could tell he loved it.

"In high school I was dating the Homecoming Queen, Debbie Dorkker.
Everything was going great until our third date. We were making out in my car by some railroad tracks. She unzipped me and pulled me out. Then she embarrassed the hell out of me. She said, "Oh my God. You're a tiny little thing. What a wimpy little dick."

"She dropped my dick and ordered me to take her home."

"And I'll bet you did too, huh?" I said.

"Yes Mommy. It was so embarrassing. She didn't even kiss me goodnight.
Then at school I think she told all her girlfriends. They used to giggle at me in the halls. I never got any dates with them."

I just let the room go silent. Cheryl was still masturbating. I was still caressing his balls.

"Isn't this fun?"

"Yes Mommy."

"I enjoyed that story. Do you have any more like that?"

"No Mommy."

"You're really a very attractive man."

"Thank you Mrs. Er...Mommy."

"With a tiny pee pee."

Cheryl giggled and he blushed again.

"I love to see you blush. You're so bashful. Cheryl tells me you're a good cunt lapper. Are you?"

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