We grabbed our beers, found a table and waited for our lunch. Olivia was playfully rubbing her foot against my leg. I was hard. It was not long before she had her foot inside the leg of my board shorts and, using her toes, she was massaging balls. Of course I did offer some fake resistance … Olivia please stop. Before she could take her foot away I had grabbed her ankle and pushed her foot on my erect cock and began masturbating myself with her foot. In no time at all I had cum on her foot. The butt plug added to the intensity. Thank fuck for table cloths! I massaged my cum into her foot, wishing I could suck her toes. Never thought of sucking toes before. Olivia was certainly presenting me with sexual enjoyments I never imagined. Of course my shorts were very wet much to Olivia’s amusement. I’ve never, not in my wildest dreams, ever thought about cumming, masturbated by a foot, with a butt plug inserted in such a public place and no one else had an idea. A couple of minutes later lunch arrived and we laughed. Cheers I said so looking forward to our holiday together.
When it was time to pay up Olivia ensured it was me who went to pay, wet shorts for anyone who cared to notice. Olivia went to the car just giggling. She giggled a lot. When I got to the car Olivia was waiting on the tail gate of the car with a towel and bottle of water. I had to wash her feet. As she lifted one leg to make it easier for me I noticed that, as I thought, she was not wearing any panties and she was getting an erection! I kissed each foot after I had dried it, I even sucked her toes, as discreetly as I could. However, there was nothing discreet about the raging 8” hard on she had. She said to me this is your fault what are you going to do about it. I am sure she took a degree of pleasure from my obvious panicked expression. We are in a car park in the afternoon what could I do? Olivia said get in the back seat. She contained her erection with the elastic of her skirt and got in next to me. Right! Now do something! I wanted to sit on her but a butt plug stopped that. I thought … OK … head job it is. I pulled the top of her skirt down, her magnificent cock almost poking me in the eye, and placed the elastic band under her nut sack to restrain the skirt. Then I went about sucking her cock as best I could.